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Q:  How many and where from non CIS tourists travel to Kazakhstan?

A: Statistical Agency of Kazakhstan provides some contradictory data to this question. I learned that the most reliable information can be based on data provided by local accomodation facilities (hotels, hostels, etc.)

     The leading countries in terms of tourists stay are China, Turkey and Germany. Germany (75491 tourists in 2013) ranked 3rd, because Kazakhstan's population had 1 mln Germans in 1989, and most of them migrated to Germany after the collapse of the USSR. Now, they return to Kazakhstan as tourists.

    The most popular destinations of Kazakhstan are the cities of Almaty and Astana, making almost 70% of all non-CIS tourist stays. The 3rd and 4th places are by oil-industrial regions of Atyrau and Mangystau. That distribution tells that the primary purpose of tourists' visits is business.  

    The dynamics of tourists hotel stay since 2004 demontsrates a steady growth with some fluctuations, therefore reaching over 692250 in 2015.  The lowest season is winter (131985 tourists ) and the highest is summer ( 193351 tourists), making 30 % difference.