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Top things to do and to see in Almaty





1. Take a gondolla ride to Kok Tyube hill (1100m high) for the best city and mountain view. I recommend to go there 1 hour before the sunset




2. Visit the Medeu mountain skating rink and Shymbulak ski resort. The second one can     be reached by a cable starting at plaza next to the skating rink.




2. Walk in the park of the first President next to the mountains, to see the beautiful gardens and a singing fountain featuring petroglyphs of Tamgaly




3. Visit the Panfilovs' park for Vozvesenskyi cathedral, World War II monument and Kazakh Folk Musical Instruments museum




4. See the variety of local food and try it at the oriental Green market (Zelyonyi bazaar)




5. Explore the history and symbols of Kazakhstan by visit of Square of Independence




6. See one of the shows at Opera House of Almaty




7. Try Arasan oriental baths for unforgettable experience of Turkish, Finish and Russian baths




8. Visit ski jump area and reach its hilltop hosting the national flag and a topview to the city