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Tamgaly (Tanbaly) petroglyphs

Private sightseeing tour Introduction:

Tamgaly is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, dated latest Brozne age (2 millenium BC) up to 19th century. The area of 30 km2 concentrates the largest number of rock paintings ever found in the world! 5000! Images of people, animals and sun-headed creatures will be a blast for your imagination. Tamgaly is also the place of ancient settlements and burial mounds. You will definetely enjoy this tour that can be easily associated with "time machine" travel!

Tour Duration: 8 Hours


Tour Type: Transport Based

Tour Price: Price Per Group USD $250-$400 (depends on a season, pax number, and number of reserved tours)


Tour Highlights:

Things to see on the way: Highway Almaty-Bishkek, beautiful foothills of Zailiiskiy Alatau, steppes of Kazakhstan.

Tour outline

1. 8AM - Pick up from your place

2. 12 AM - arrival to Tambaly (170 km drive one way)

3. 2PM-3PM - picnic on the spot in wooded tents

4. by 7PM -arrival to your hotel

During the driving hours (which are a lot :), I'll be sharing interesting information with you, related to Kazakhstan history, Kazakh customs and traditions.

Tour Inclusions:

Comfortable transport, professional guide serivce, water

Tour Exclusions:

Food. Please get ready for 30 km offroad! No extra route, sorry!




Tamgaly petroglyphs